

时间:2010-12-5 17:23:32  作者:百科   来源:焦点  查看:  评论:0
内容摘要:走的路越远,越喜欢温柔的人。温柔是内敛的斗志,是包容这个世界糟糕的部分,是不抱怨,把态度藏在行动里,就这样往前走,我们水到渠成。The farther you go, the more you lik



The月流焱眼 farther you go, the more you like gentle people. Gentle is introverted fighting spirit, is inclusive of the bad part of the world, is not complaining, hide the attitude in action, so go forward, we come naturally.


Don't care about the weather every day,月流焱眼 as long as there is your own sunshine, the eyes are hidden in the light, life has hope.


I sat down and talked to myself, and I and I, we all felt very tired, one one wanted to stay away from right and wrong, but the other one loudly said don't quit.


Wish is to be a happy will earn money beautiful girl, keen to make money, but also happy to enjoy!


Ideal life: ambitious to make money, long-term paving, happy spending, a little dull social, healthy beauty, enjoy the love.

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